Technology Services
In addition to the teaching, consulting and improv work that I do, I do some technology work on the side. This includes:
Website Design & Maintenance
In-Person Technology Training
Custom Training Videos and Learning Resource Development
Managing Social Media
Websites I've work on...
Honey Real Estate
Teachers Lounge Mafia Comedy Improv
EdCamp WME
My Role: Web Designer/WebMaster
I designed and maintain this real estate website as their webmaster. I have been their website designer for several years. I also manage their web advertising. Click the logo to check them out.
My Role: Web Designer/WebMaster
I designed and maintain the website for my Comedy Improv Group. Click on it to check out what we do.
My Role: Web Designer/WebMaster
I designed and maintain the website for our annual conference. I created many of the interactive features and feeds you see here. Click the logo to check them out.