Flipped with a Twist: The Teacher's Role
When I first flipped my classroom by recording video screencasts of my lessons, I was suddenly struck with two terrifying questions: What...

Flipping with a Twist: How to Deliver
The most common questions I get about flipping my classroom are all around the tools I use to deliver content to my students. It is an...

Flipping with a Twist: Start with Good Content.
In my last post I gave a quick overview of flipped teaching and how I use it in my classroom. As promised, I’ll go in more depth over...

Flip with a Twist
Over the past couple of years I have described myself as a "Flipped Classroom" teacher. When you ask different people what "flipped"...

The Path to Production
As a person who produces video and audio and one who teaches students to be producers as well, I have often heard about the struggles of...
Jeff’s Follow up on “Customized Learning on the Cheap”
At the ACTEM 2012 MainEducation conference session Dan and I did on "Customized Learning on the Cheap" it was clear to me that an hour...